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McMaster University is proud to be one of 13 universities participating in the EcoCAR EV Challenge and one of only two Canadian universities involved in the competition.

Having a three competition history within AVTCs has led the team to create a decade-long impression internationally. Prioritizing inclusion and sub-team integration, the team strives to be one that looks beyond just its car and into the community to have the largest impact possible. McMaster actively embraces and promotes voices from all levels of the team, education and background. Together, it builds better, designs better and drives change. That is how Mac Drives.

You’ll find the team hard at work at the McMaster Automotive Resource Center — a 90k square foot facility they call a small corner of home. Stop by if you ever find yourself north of the border as the team would be happy to welcome you in with a hot coffee and some timbits.


The McMaster University EcoCAR team’s mission is to enhance electric vehicle technologies through the implementation of advanced propulsions and automated vehicle features, by means of a diverse and multidisciplinary team of students.

The team’s primary objective is to modify its vehicle propulsion system and enhance connectivity features to improve user experience and vehicle performance in terms of energy efficiency and passenger comfort.

The MAC EcoCAR team is working towards a common goal: Delivering a highly efficient electric vehicle with extensive autonomous features, a simple user interface, and passenger comfort while considering accessibility.


  • Promote inter-team integration. The team wants all of the technical and soft skill sub-teams to be heavily involved with each other to be able to effectively and accurately promote AVTCs and equity in mobility.
  • Increase community engagement and be able to educate all populations on the benefits of EVs.
  • Articulate and execute Year One planning to make the best EV the competition has ever seen

Team Members

Dr. Ali Emadi

Lead Faculty Advisor

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Ali Emadi received B.S. (1995) and M.S. (1997) degrees in electrical engineering with highest distinction from Sharif University of Technology. He also received his Ph.D. degree (2000) in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University.

He is currently the Canada Excellence Research Chair Laureate and a professor in the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University. He is also the holder of the NSERC/FCA Industrial Research Chair in Electrified Powertrains and Tier I Canada Research Chair in Transportation Electrification and Smart Mobility.

Dr. Mark Lawford

Connected Automated Vehicle Systems Faculty Advisor

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Mark Lawford is professor and chair of the Department of Computing and Software at McMaster University and past director of the McMaster center for Software Certification.

Dr. Lawford is an expert in software certification, application of formal methods to safety critical real-time systems and tool-supported safety-critical software engineering. In the past 5 years, he has been the PI on over $6M of funding including the $862k NSERC Collaborative R&D grant "Safety assurance at GM and using model management to support it". He also has several ongoing research projects with Stellantis, including as a co-PI of the  $10M FedDev funded McMaster integrated hub for automotive, aerospace and advanced manufacturing network.

Dr. Lawford has extensive automotive software and safety publications on topics such as safety assurance cases, ISO 26262, tool supported model-based development of automotive software and next generation E/E architectures. He has a proven track record of successful industrial research collaborations. In 2014, he was a co-recipient of the prestigious Chrysler Innovation Award and is a past co-recipient of an Ontario Hydro Innovation Award. He has trained nearly 100 students, postdocs and research engineers, and has been particularly successful in seeing many of his graduates go on to employment in the automotive industry.

His dedication to training the next generation of automotive engineers is evidenced by his role as the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Faculty Advisor for the McMaster Engineering EcoCAR EV Challenge team.

Arthur Faron

Project Manager

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Arthur Faron is a master's student who has worked on various EcoCAR  competitions for 7 years. He is currently the most tenured member of the team.

Starting on the CAVs side of EcoCAR, moving into project management was the perfect next step.

Kyle Wyndham-West

Communications Manager

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Kyle Wyndham-West is entranced by what technology can do, socially and culturally. As the current communications manager, he has massively enjoyed his time working in AVTCs, even if he needs all the technical jargon explained to him.

Shayna Earle

Equity in Mobility Lead & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager

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Shayna Earle is one of two Equity in Mobility Leads/ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion managers. She is currently finishing up her last year at McMaster University.

She has a passion for industry, manufacturing and process engineering.

Nina Tran

Equity in Mobility Lead & Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager

LinkedIn Profile

Nina Tran is one of two Equity in Mobility Leads/ Diversity, Equity and Inclusion managers. 

Passionate about making an impact where Materials Engineering and Environmental Science intersect.

She is currently working toward her Bachelor of Engineering in materials science and engineering as well as her Bachelor of Science in environmental science. She is passionate about making an impact where materials engineering and environmental science intersect.


Adam Gleeson

System Design and Integration Lead

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Adam Gleeson is one of the  McMaster EcoCAR team's oldest leads, but youngest at heart. With a variety of skills in the transportation industry, he can design and integrate any system.

Luc Rajotte

Propulsion Controls and Modeling Lead

LinkedIn Profile

Luc Rajotte is a first-year Ph.D student, studying  electrical and computer engineering. As a regular in the office and in line for an iced coffee, he has been a lasting thread in the success of the team, both in deliverables and socials.

Samuel Khzym

Connected and Automated Vehicles Lead

Linkedin Profile

Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering at McMaster University, Samuel Khzym is often referred to as "boy genius" by the team, and the only thing he knows more than code is memes.

GET InvolveD

Currently, there are no positions open for hire on the team. However, the McMaster EcoCAR team always loves and welcomes volunteers to join its Sunday Workdays and encourages those interested to be present and vocal. 

The team loves to have new people in its garage, so feel free to reach out.  For more information, click here or email to get involved!  

Contact Information


200 Longwood St S, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
