K-12 Educators
Current AVTC teams are active with K-12 students in their local area by visiting schools, offering educational events on their campus, collaborating with local youth organizations, and more. These dynamic activities expose elementary, middle, and high school students to a project showcasing real world engineering practices. Students also learn about science, engineering, and college majors.
During the 2023 academic year, EcoCAR EV Challenge and BattChallenge teams hosted 78 events for underserved youth with over 25,000 students engaged. Over the past decade, AVTC teams have hosted 627 unique, hands-on educational youth events with over 72,000 students in attendance. These efforts are essential in inspiring the next generation of engineers and fostering a diverse and skilled future workforce.

Bring EcoCAR to your Class!
AVTCs begin with youth and community outreach. EcoCAR teams plan and host youth outreach events all over North America. If you want to bring EcoCAR to your classroom contact us below.
Resources for Students

K-12 Educators

K-12 Educators
No Upcoming Educator Events Events. Please Check back soon!
Educator Questions
Want to learn how to bring EcoCAR to your classroom? Fill out the contact information below and an AVTC Organizer will contact you.