Team Members

Dr. Michael Leamy

Lead Faculty Advisor

Georgia Tech

Dr. David Taylor

Faculty Advisor

Georgia Tech

Dr. Antonia Antoniou

Faculty Advisor

Georgia Tech

Eric Gustafson

Project Manager

Georgia Tech

Suhani Mahajan

Communications Manager

Georgia Tech

Natalia Alvarez Rodriguez

Communications Manager

Georgia Tech

Katelyn Potts

Mobility Challenge Lead

Georgia Tech

Prathik Reddy

SDI Lead

Georgia Tech

Kallen Cunningham

PCM Lead

Georgia Tech

Paul Barsa

CAVs Lead

Georgia Tech

Get Involved

The Georgia Tech EcoCAR team operates through the Vertically Integrated Projects program. Students wishing to join the team can check out our team webpage.

New members are admitted to the team during official registration periods in Fall and Spring terms at Georgia Tech. During the semester, the team meets as a whole biweekly on Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM in Klaus 1440. Each subteam meeting holds a meeting in their own preferred location on Tuesdays from 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM.

Contact Information


North Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30332


Interested students can also reach out to Eric Gustafson, at with any questions about opportunities on the team or the onboarding process.