From March 3-14, EcoCAR students will gather in Riverside, CA for the CARB Dynamometer Testing Event where teams will complete Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) testing at CARB’s facility.
As a hallmark event of Year 3, teams will partake in dynamometer testing to baseline their newly developed and integrated propulsion systems and their adaptive cruise control algorithms. In particular, this testing will assess the energy consumption of each team’s LYRIQ by running abbreviated EPA test cycles for EV range assessment.
More than a dozen sponsors will join the event from March 7-9 for the Year 3 Winter Workshop hosted at the University of California, Riverside School of Business. The Winter Workshop will feature multi-team collaborative review sessions with subject matter experts, technical design reviews of vehicle development progress, and industry-style board meetings where Project Managers will discuss their project status.
EcoCAR Communications Managers and Equity in Mobility Leads will partner with CARB to host a community engagement event on Monday, March 10. This event will engage local Riverside students in fun and exciting activities related to clean mobility while providing opportunities for members of the community to learn about the EcoCAR program and other initiatives to promote clean transportation.
Interested in sponsoring this unique one-of-a-kind competition and attending the upcoming event? Contact us at