Highlights from the Year Three Winter Workshop

The Year Three Winter Workshop has officially come to an end. Thank you to all of the students, sponsors, and organizers who made the workshop a success. A special thank you to NXP Semiconductors and dSPACE for co-sponsoring the event, and to NXP for hosting the workshop in Austin, TX.

Check out some highlights from the Winter Workshop below:



The workshop kicked off with opening remarks from NXP President and CEO Rick Clemmer,  NXP Senior Vice President and General Manager of Automotive Microcontrollers and Microprocessors Bob Conrad, and dSPACE Inc. President Peter Waeltermann.

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Day one of the workshop concluded with a Welcome Night event hosted by NXP and dSPACE at the Salt Lick. Teams had a chance to enjoy some delicious BBQ and test their engineering skills with some intense rounds of giant Jenga.

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The workshop continued on throughout the week with hands-on ADAS training with MathWorks and NXP, Vehicle and Component Test Development training from Bosch, as well as Vehicle Systems Communication and Operation training with GM, and project planning for the Project Managers.

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Teams also had the opportunity to mingle with sponsors at the Sponsor Social Recruitment and Networking event.

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The Embry-Riddle Eco Super Sport (ESS) was on display at NXP throughout the week. The team showed off features of their car and hosted Meet & Greet tours with NXP employees and EcoCAR teams.

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Teams, organizers, and sponsors were also invited to check out the ESS and even had the opportunity to take a ride in the Camaro at the team’s Ride & Drive event.

We look forward to seeing everyone again at the Year Three Competition! More photos from the Winter Workshop can be viewed here.

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