Meet The McMaster Communications Manager

The McMaster EcoCAR Communications team is excited to be in Year 4 of the competition! Arden Jacoby, winner of the Year 3 Spirit of Communications Award and Communications Manager for 4 years and now EcoCAR Student Leadership Council member, answered a few questions about her role.

Here is what she had to say:

MAC: How did you first hear about the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge?

Arden: I first heard about the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge in my first year at McMaster University. A MAC EcoCAR member, Blake McFadden, lived in the same residence building as me. I remember one fall day we were giving residence tours to new-coming students at McMaster, and we happened to meet in the lobby of the residence building. Blake was talking about the EcoCAR team and how unique it was, and I remember really wanting to learn more about it. The following day, Blake brought me to one of the EcoCAR meetings and I started as a communications associate.

MAC: Why did you get involved on the EcoCAR Team?

Arden: When I started university, I was ready for new leadership opportunities. My goal was to work in jobs that related to the field I wanted to go into: Communications, Marketing, and Public Relations. I first got involved on this team because I am passionate about environmental sustainability. I make time at least once a week to collect garbage off the street that was littered by pedestrians. This is extremely important to me because we only have one earth, and we need to take care of it. I have also always had an interest in cars ever since I was young, and I adore going to the Toronto car show every year. The EcoCAR Mobility Challenge combined my love for cars and environmental sustainability. Thus, it sparked my interest immediately.

MAC: What is your favorite part about being the communications manager?

Arden: My favorite part about being the communications manager is getting to work with my team. I enjoy collaboration and as a manager I get to work in every sector of the communications side. With my team, I was able to plan and execute a sponsor dinner for over 100 of our sponsors, which has been my favorite event thus far. I also enjoy managing the EcoCAR social media posts and creating content. I am so thankful for our communications associate, Shayna Sujanani, who is working with me this year.

What skills have you gained by being on the EcoCAR Team?

MAC: By being on the EcoCAR team I have gained a plethora of experience working with tools in Adobe Creative Suite. I have created a banner and logos using Adobe Photoshop, and I have created a Media Kit using Adobe InDesign CC. I have also gained skills in building a social media following with the team’s accounts, as well as how to create a well-written blog post.

MAC: Any final thoughts?

Arden: Joining the McMaster EcoCAR team was the best decision I have made in my university career, and I urge other students to get involved as well. I have gained invaluable work experience by being on the EcoCAR team and it elevated my communications skills. EcoCAR is an asset in the art of hands-on experience, and I am so happy to be a part of such an amazing team.

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