Meet the Student Leadership Council


The competition organizers created the Student Leadership Council (SLC) in Year 3 of the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge in order to enable regular and valuable student feedback into the Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (AVTCs) and EcoCAR development processes. The SLC is composed of students from current EcoCAR universities who will serve for a single academic year. The SLC will provide feedback on competition deliverables, yearly expectations, overall competition structure, and provide input on the future AVTCs.

The mission of the SLC is to empower student voices through consistent and constant communication with the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge stakeholders, guiding the future years of AVTCs to uphold and grow the technical, professional, and personal development of team members at all universities in a collaborative environment. The application process to join the SLC has closed and we are pleased to announce the Year 4 SLC members:


Name: Brianna Thornton

Team: Georgia Tech

Year in School: 4th Year Grad Student

Role on team: PM Swimlane Co-lead

What are you looking for to this year on the SLC:

I’m looking forward to collaborating with other teams to make EcoCAR an impactful experience for all students.


Name: Zachary Davis

Team: University of Alabama

Year in School: 2nd (Final!) year of MBA and MS Mech. Eng.

Role on team: PSI Lead

What are you looking forward to this year being on the SLC:

I’m excited to work with members from all the competing schools to help create the best EcoCAR experience possible for both the current and future competitions!


Name: Elaine Choy

Team: Embry-Riddle

Years in School: Second Year in PhD Human Factors

Role on Team: Team Member on Student Leadership Council & HMI/UX Team Lead

What are you looking forward to this year being on the SLC:

I am honored to be in a position that can facilitate communication and feedback among all student competitors. I am also striving to develop overarching resource materials of best practices in teamwork, collaboration, onboarding, and communication.


Name: Arden Jacoby

Team: McMaster University

Year in School: Senior

Role on team: Communications Manager

What are you looking forward to this year being on the SLC:

I am looking forward to being a voice for the communications managers and to be a part of the decision-making process of the EcoCAR competition.


Name:  Brandon Stevens

Team: University of Alabama

Year in School:  Second year of Master’s degree

Role on team: Propulsion Controls and Modeling Lead

What are you looking for to this year on the SLC:

I am looking forward to helping improve both the end of the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge and the future of all AVTCs through my time on the SLC. I am excited to meet and work with other students on university teams to make the program awesome for all current and future students.

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