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Thank You PACCAR!

Throughout the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge, PACCAR has been an important sponsor for the University of Washington EcoCAR team, especially as we near the end of the series.

PACCAR is one of the largest designers and manufacturers of light, medium, and heavy duty trucks in the world. They are made up of two companies in the North America, Peterbilt and Kenworth, and one in Europe, DAF, and they export their trucks to over 100 countries worldwide. PACCAR is one of the sponsors for the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge. They help the different teams by offering their employees as mentors and trainers.

As the headquarters of PACCAR are close to the UW, in Bellevue, WA, the UW team has been fortunate to bolster our relationship with PACCAR. Thanks to our contact, Peter Britanyak, we have been able to test our 2019 Chevy Blazer at PACCAR’s track. At PTC, our team was able to have full access to the track and run a series of tests on our Blazer.

The UW EcoCAR team wants to thank PACCAR for donating their resources, time, and personnel.

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