Year Two Faculty Advisory Board Meets at University of Tennessee, Knoxville

This past week marked the first time the Year Two Faculty Advisory Board (FAB) came together to discuss the EcoCAR Mobility Challenge program. Hosted at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, the FAB provided critical academic input and direction to EcoCAR organizers. The FAB consists of EcoCAR faculty advisors who come from a mix of teams involved in Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (AVTC).

The Year Two FAB includes Doug Nelson from Virginia Tech, Drew Nix from West Virginia University, and Roydon Fraser from the University of Waterloo. The Year Two CAVs FAB includes Hwan-Sik Yoon from the University of Alabama, Hairong Qi from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Patrick Currier from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

The FAB meeting covered a variety of topics, including rules, team deliverables and competition events. The FAB and EcoCAR organizers also had the chance to tour the University of Tennessee and the team’s garage to check out Team Tennessee’s new Chevrolet Blazer.

“These FAB meetings allow essential faculty input and viewpoints to be heard by the competition organizers, and discussion of the future of the competition,” said Jesse Alley, AVTC Technical Project Manager. “Overall, the meeting was very successful!”

The Year Two FAB will meet again in January 2020 to discuss the Year Two competition in more detail and other key deliverables of the program.

EcoCAR organizers would like to thank the FAB members for attending, and send a special thank you to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville for hosting the meeting!


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