Written by: Andrea Parra/University of Waterloo
The Battery Workforce Challenge has the mission of creating, testing and incorporating an innovative electric vehicle battery pack. Each team consists of a North American university and their community college partners. The University of Waterloo is honoured to engage in a collaborative partnership with Lambton College, located in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. This alliance aims to redefine automotive innovation, merging academic knowledge with hands-on engineering.
In this blog, the University of Waterloo & Lambton College BattChallenge team would like to feature Cristian Jaimes, who is the technical lead actively contributing to the design of the Ram ProMaster EV’s battery pack. He’s also a research scientist at Lambton College. Jaimes is a mechatronics engineer and energy engineer who hails from Colombia. Throughout his career, Jaimes has gained experience in electrochemical systems, control systems and mathematical modelling. A fun fact about Jaimes is that he graduated with two engineering degrees when he was 22 years old.
Jaime’s enthusiasm for participating in the BattChallenge competition stems from the opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience with EVs. His primary objective is to gain comprehensive insights into EV design, integration and operation. He joined the BattChallenge to get more exposure within the automotive industry, specifically focusing on EV manufacturing and design.

Jaimes is an invaluable team member who leads with expertise, initiative and proactive involvement with the crew’s Lambton College division. The joint efforts of each of team member fuels the crew’s motivation and progress.

The University of Waterloo & Lambton College BattChallenge team looks forward to the incredible achievements it can accomplish, collectively unleashing the combined potential for transformative education and groundbreaking achievements. Together, the team will help shape the future of learning and research.