Where Are They Now: Embry-Riddle’s Sean Carter

Byline: Kevin Leong, EcoEagles Team Member 

The progress the Embry-Riddle EcoEagles team has made throughout the last few Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (AVTCs) could not have been possible without the knowledge passed down from past EcoEagles. One such member who had a prominent influence on past and current success of the EcoEagles was Sean Carter. Currently a design release engineer for General Motors in Michigan, Carter shared his experiences during his time in the EcoEagles.

Carter (far right) with the EcoEagles vehicle in EcoCAR 1

Carter began in Year Two as a controls team member in 2009 during EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge. The controls team made significant contributions to the success of the vehicle and the dedication Carter demonstrated during his time led him to be named team leader of during Year Three.

Carter’s success as a team leader and presenter during competitions gave him an opportunity for an interview with General Motors after graduation.

“To be completely honest, coming from EcoCAR to General Motors was pretty easy,” he claims. “They do interviews with you, and I was one that got selected…and they gave me an offer that night.”

Upon graduating in 2011, Carter’s first job at General Motors was as a controls integration engineer. Since then, he has transitioned to a design release engineer where he reviews designs for new developing transmissions.  He said he often uses many of the same procedures and processes that he used during EcoCAR.

“The camaraderie within the team helps make progress flow more smoothly. Being involved with EcoCAR gave me hands-on experience that industry clearly wants. I learned a lot about hybrid-electric vehicle development and also team leadership and teamwork,” he said.

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