Where Are They Now: Missy Davis

Missy Davis learned more than she ever dreamed she would about hybrid electrical vehicles while on the University of Akron’s Challenge X team.

While looking for ways to satisfy her degree requirements, she stumbled upon her school’s advanced vehicle technology competition (AVTC) team. “My advisor knew I was involved with automotive, and thought I would be a perfect fit on the team,” she said.

Missy joined and held the role of Outreach Coordinator for the 2005 to 2008 during Challenge X. Her favorite moment was when the team won second place for Overall Outreach and Best Website.

In addition to gaining experience with hybrid electric vehicles, Missy learned a lot about teamwork, communication, and promotions through her role promoting the team’s products, challenges and successes. She went on to use those skills in her first job at a marketing firm. She is currently working as assistant commercial manager at Kauffman Tire.

Being a part of the AVTC for three years gave Missy a preview of what her first job out of college would be like.

“It was a real world experience,” she notes. “A lot can be taught through a classroom setting, but actually performing the tasks enforces the things you learn. I was able to have a much broader experience that allowed me to have a jump on the rest straight out of school.”

Missy highly recommends the AVTC experience. “The program continues to do a great job allowing young minds to creatively come up with solutions to today’s continuous environmental problems,” she said. “The management team seems to learn from each different project and brings back a superior program for learning and advancements.”

When she isn’t hard at work, Missy continues to pursue her automotive passion by managing and driving for her own race team, Start2Finish Motorsports. In the past year, she has won the NASA Great Lakes PTF Championship and been recognized as Instructor of the Year.

Check out Missy racing in her latest YouTube video!


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