Where Are They Now: University of Victoria’s Joon Hwang

Joon Hwang at his wedding

Joon Hwang was a member of the University of Victoria’s EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge team during Year Three. Since his involvement in the Advanced Vehicle Technology Competitions (AVTC), he has maintained a close connection to the program, especially with General Motors. Shortly after graduating, Joon was hired by General Motors as a battery algorithm engineer, and is currently a transmission algorithm engineer.

He recognizes that his involvement in EcoCAR ignited his interest to work in the automotive industry, and also taught him invaluable technical and soft skills.

As a member of UVic`s EcoCAR team, Joon worked on both the electrical and control components of the vehicle. He was also in charge of modifying the full electrical harness from its preliminary stages until its final product; an experience which taught him the importance of making quick decisions and working in a timely manner.

Looking back at his experience, Joon is most proud of the legacy of continuous effort and team spirit he has left behind for not only UVic students, but all AVTC alumni.  

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