Where Are They Now: Wayne State’s Love Lor

Love Lor, a Wayne State University and EcoCAR 2 alumna, currently works on hardware-in-the-loop plant controls and integration for General Motors (GM). At GM she enjoys working with tools both new and familiar to achieve short and long term goals. Her experience with EcoCAR 2 allowed her to develop an automotive technical background that employers look for when hiring recent engineering graduates.

WSU grad Love Lor

“Thanks to EcoCAR 2, I was able to obtain a job with GM that both challenges me and allows me to improve my existing skills.  Also, I get to be a part of the hybrid team, which I especially enjoy because I believe that  it’s the future of automotive technology.”

Lor graduated from Wayne State University in 2010 with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, focusing on hybrid controls. Following her degree, she continued her studies at Wayne State by obtaining her graduated with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in May 2013.

Lor was the Wayne State controls group leader for two years. While on the team, she worked with supervisory controller coding and plant modeling. She first heard about EcoCAR 2 from her thesis advisor, Dr. Jerry Ku and Wayne State’s EcoCAR 2team leader, Idan Kovent.

Lor is one of many former Wayne State EcoCAR 2 team members hired directly into the automotive industry after graduation.

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