Where Are They Now Wednesdays: Mike Arnett

Mike Arnett spent countless sleepless nights working with his team during Challenge X, but it was all worth it.

“We got to completely disassemble and reassemble a car the way we wanted to,” said Arnett, a recently hired engineer at Gamma Technologies.

He always loved cars, but Georgio Rizzoni, his eventual Challenge X advisor at The Ohio State University, encouraged Arnett to participate in the competition. He joined the Challenge X team in Year One as an undergraduate student and finished Years Two and Three during graduate school.

He believes his competition involvement was essential to deciding his career path, and it solidified his position with General Motors after graduation. Throughout his time at GM, Arnett kept in touch with past Challenge X competitors and eventually volunteered his time with EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge. Arnett was one of the key support members for EcoCAR 2-Mode teams, helping troubleshoot issues and lend a hand throughout Years Two and Three of the competition.

At his new job, Arnett will be working with GP power, Gamma Technologies’ most well-known technology. As EcoCAR 2 ramps up, he encourages students to participate as much as they can, making the most of their experience.

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